Sovereign God

It is interesting that as we enter the UK elections week we were able to reflect on Sunday about the sovereignty of God from Mark 4:35-41. Our Saviour Jesus took authority and rebuked the wind and waves and demonstrated His power over creation. It was from our recent studies in Daniel where we read:

… he sets up kings and deposes them.

Daniel 2:21 (NIV)

And so it is with confidence that we can declare that God is sovereign over all creation, including kings, governments, authorities and powers.

Jesus announced in Matthew 28:18 that “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”  (NIV) and Colossians 1:15-20 tells us that He has been given supreme authority over all realms of life. In Matthew 10 we see that Jesus called His disciples and gave them authority over evil spirits, diseases and sickness, and in Acts we see that they practiced this authority as many who were tormented by evil spirits and those that were sick were healed.  It is essential that we understand that as citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are sent out under the authority of Christ, and able to exercise that same authority on His behalf and for His glory.

On Sunday we heard testimony of how the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16), and how our prayers can directly affect events in the election campaign. As we hear the Spirit’s leading I believe that we can pray directly into issues that are affecting our country and will see God’s hand at work as a result.

God’s people are praying! There is an increase of faith and expectancy.  Let us humbly come before our God and pray in the authority that Jesus has delegated to us and have faith that our Sovereign God will hear and answer our prayers.

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